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A gender and pro-abortion forum with the participation of world leaders

Published: 25.07.2021

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• Generation Equality Forum (GEF) is a conference organised with the participation of UN Women and the governments of Mexico and France and its declared purpose was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

• In practice, the event was intended to circumvent the consensus developed 25 years ago on the understanding of such terms as ‘gender’ and on the commitment made by the participating countries to reduce the number of abortions.

• During the GEF, some of the leading global politicians voiced unsettling declarations promoting abortion, sexual and reproductive health and rights and the gender ideology. António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the UN, stated explicitly that “the world is witnessing a fight against conservative forces and those forces must be defeated.”

• The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen encouraged the promotion of the SRHR, despite having no authority to do so, as she called the objection of “certain countries” to the provisions of the Istanbul Convention “completely unacceptable.”

• The Forum organisers plan to spend a total of 40 billion dollars to further their objectives, the money coming from governments and the world's largest corporations.


“An unsettling message emerges from the speeches delivered at the inauguration of the Forum. The highest-rank representatives of supranational organisations in fact imperatively force one universal model of values, ignoring the fact that their task is to represent the interests of the whole international community, which consists of highly different cultures, and to promote cooperation between various political circles.  They also take sides in an ideological conflict which, to make matters worse, they seem to incite” – Patryk Miernowski, Ordo Iuris Center of International Law.

The conference was held in Paris at the end of June and at the beginning of July.  The Generation Equality Forum was dedicated to the issue of gender equality as approached from a gender-based and feminist perspective. The event was co-organised by the governments of France and Mexico and by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women – UN Women. Despite the little publicity in the media, the forum must be considered a high-profile event considering the list participants. Speeches were given at the panels by politicians of global importance: the President of France Emmanuel Macron, the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, the Vice-President of the USA Kamala Harris, the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, the former Secretary of State of the USA Hillary Clinton, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres. Other participants included leftist activists, such as  Klementyna Suchanow – a leader of the “Women’s Strike,” and Neil Datta – founder and secretary of the European Parliamentary Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF). Datta is known of his postulates to limit the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience. His defamatory statements on the alleged attempts of Ordo Iuris to introduce “LGB-free zones” and to “legalise domestic violence” have already been met with the Institute’s response.

According to the information provided by the hosts of the event, the main themes were to include but not be limited to: “a global plan for gender equality,” “the voices of feminist youth,” “feminist response to the COVID-19 epidemic” and “Gender Equality Forum: global conversation, regional dynamic.” However, the Forum participants did not limit themselves to the issues on the agenda but they spoke on a number of other, indirectly related topics, the inclusion of which can be considered in many cases as highly unsettling.

It was already at the official Forum inauguration that the world leaders adopted a discourse clearly pointing to the ideologically aggressive character of the whole conference, unanimously supporting the extreme leftist narrative assuming the need to fight traditional social norms, facilitate access to the procedure of prenatal killing of children and further the postulates of the gender ideology.

The President of France Macron called himself a feminist at the start and warned the audience against the “forces of patriarchate,” striving to restore the principles of conservatism and to annihilate the achievements of the gender movement. President von der Leyen stated that there was palpable resistance against the Istanbul Convention from “some countries,” which she described as unacceptable. She also promised to expand the categories of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and, which is particularly important from the perspective of European legislation, to include in the treaty law of the European Union an imprecise category of hate crimes, encompassing criminalisation of statements critical of the LGBT ideology. The President of Mexico Obrador mentioned the French Revolution as the model of fight to be adopted by “progressive” circles, despite the fact that the revolution was famous of the tremendous scale of murders and repressions against innocent citizens and the destructive wave of violence directed against the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. Special attention needs to paid to the announcement of confrontation made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, who stated explicitly: “we are now facing an ideological battle against conservative forces worldwide and this battle needs to be won.”

The already mentioned Klementyna Suchanow and Neil Datta also spoke at the Forum. The former claimed that Poland was now allegedly on the front line of a “hybrid war” fought by “weird fundamentalist pseudo religious organisations” “supported by Russia since 2013,” trying to influence the politics and striving to establish new authoritarian governments and a “medieval” social hierarchy. She also stated that both herself and other pro-abortion activists were regularly persecuted by the Polish government and are under surveillance of “secret services.” She said that “fundamentals were everywhere” and that in order to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights to everyone one must “be ready to do what it takes.” Datta spoke about the extremely pro-abortion Matić Report recently adopted by the European Parliament and he mentioned that the adoption was preceded by a true “anti-gender storm” from conservative circles. The activist must have noticed the decisive and efficient actions of the Stop Matić Report coalition in the European forum, because the resistance of the EP’s conservative circles during the vote in question was unprecedented and on the same day the EP rejected, by a definite majority of votes, the amendment resulting from Datta’s lobbying on creating a “blacklist” of NGOs, including among others Ordo Iuris.


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